Monday, December 13, 2010

Create your energy account

Our body needs energy on a grand scale - One can live for two months without food, two weeks without water, but only a few minutes without the life energy we get from our breaths. Our breaths – yes, we take our breath for granted, with quick and shallow breathing as the trademark of our stress. Our bodies then get starved of the life energy and also over-burdened with toxins. There is a good news - by participating actively in our breathing, we can strongly influence our health and quality of life.

Know your breaths first

Close your eyes and simply observe your own breathing ........ Acknowledge your shallow breathing, hardly reaching the middle of the chest............ Now start breathing will realise how much more we can breathe............

Place one palm on the belly and as you continue deep breathing, observe your abdomen or the belly.......On a deep inhalation, is it relaxing or getting pulled inside? At the peak of the deep inhale, if the stomach is getting caved in, instead of relaxing, you are doing reverse breathing. It needs to be corrected first as it is an indicator of stress borne problems coming up!

To correct the reverse breathing -

• Place both hands on the belly region.

• Begin with an exhalation. As you breathe out … press the belly in … and release it with inhalation. The belly should spontaneously get pulled in on exhaling and not while inhaling which will happen eventually as the reverse breathing gets corrected.

• Exhale, press the belly softly with your palms and inhale to relax the abdomen without pushing it to a bulge.

Practising this several times will correct the pattern, and the body, which was fashioned to breathe paradoxically, will fully co-operate. Remember, the primary focus should be on the exhalation and the inhalation will follow correctly.

Deep energising breathing -

Place the right hand on the belly and the left hand on the chest.

1. Begin by exhaling completely through the nose. When the exhalation is complete, the belly, and the right hand placed over it, will move in. At the end of the exhalation the stomach should contract.

2. Begin the inhalation by relaxing the belly and allowing air to fill up the lower part of the lungs, which you can feel with your right hand. Continue to inhale and the upper chest will also fill up slowly.

3. While exhaling, release the air from the upper chest, then the lower chest and finally, the abdomen, one smoothly flowing into the other. Inhale, continuing to expand the abdomen, the lower chest, the middle chest and the upper chest. Continue breathing slowly and deeply for a few minutes, ending with an exhalation.

4. Focus the mind on the breath and the release of tension during breathing. Ensure that breaths are slow, continuous, smooth and flowing, without any interruption. There should be no effort or strain.

Daily practice of this breathing program has been shown to calm the nervous system, regulate heart activity, relax muscles and spasms, oxygenate the blood, reduce blood pressure, stimulate digestion and help to clean the body of toxins.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


At breakfast, the newspaper we read, reports 300 point drop in the share market; lunch consists of dashing into a fast food joint, grabbing a bite to eat or perhaps piles of work compel us to take a quick mini lunch on the desk itself or ‘cuppas’ of tea replace the food; the evening news reports the rising prices of petrol and violence eruption in the city!

Can we possibly enjoy, digest and assimilate food when our minds are engaged and disturbed? With our busy lives, we are eating large quantities irregularly and with much too little consciousness. Are we being nourished on the physical, mental and emotional levels? Is it any wonder that so many people routinely use digestive aids!

Where does digestion begin – Is it the mouth or the stomach? Most digestion actually begins in the mind ! Let us look at the effect of diet on mind. According to our ancient scientists of life, the sages – food reflects a general predominance of one of three attributes called the gunas: sattwa - balance; rajas - over activity; and tamas - inertia.

 Balanced or Sattwic food

Food that is wholesome, fresh and natural is balanced or sattwic in nature. Such food gives the body lightness, alertness and energy. It gives strength from within as it is said to nourish the consciousness. Examples of sattwic food are fresh and dry fruits, fresh fruit juice, freshly cooked home food which is mild in spices, neither overcooked nor undercooked, salads, sprouts, buttermilk, whole grain items, seeds (sesame, flaxseeds ) and beans.

 Sattwik food brings vitality and health to the body and peace and joy to the mind. It is not only simple but tasty, and is as close to their natural form as possible. When food is natural, we eat less of it; our bodies are nurtured and satisfied, and our minds are in harmony. When food is whole and unprocessed, we chew more thoroughly, releasing digestive juices to aid digestion. This liquefies the food and the work of digestion is half done! Nutrients are extracted and the remainder is efficiently eliminated. Balanced food satisfies our need and not our greed.


  Overstimulating or Rajsik food

Rajsik food is over stimulating and causes restlessness, disease and agitation in the body and the mind. It energizes the body but not in the sense of yielding a clear balanced energy. It tends to stimulate and push to increase the speed and indulge more in activity, sensual pleasures and comforts. In excess, it can encourage the passions to rise and the mind to become very restless. Rajsik food is rich and tasty and was actually meant for the Kings (Rajas) and the warriors.

In present times, it is appropriate for the military forces or those in the field of sports with heavy physical activity to utilize it. As most of us are leading an automated life with remote controls and gadgets everywhere,such food does more harm than good. Meat and alcohol first have a stimulating effect and then cause us to become lethargic and dull. Too much coffee can set our heart racing! Spicy, saucy and thickly gravied foods, fried delicacies, aerated drinks and fast foods, tempts one to eat more. They keep us restlessly striving to fulfill uncontrolled desires of the taste buds; ultimately leading to pain, grief and disease.

 Inertia giving or Tamasic food

Tamasic food is any food that takes away energy from the body and mind. Food that is old or cold, overly fermented, moldy, has lost its essence, has been processed and preserved, is overcooked is considered tamasic as it has no spark of life in it. Dead and decaying food cannot give us vitality and life.

Many cultures will not permit food to be reheated or cooked again. They understand that food becomes tamasic and looses energy. The pot of soup we had last week and just found in the back of the refrigerator probably has very little vitality left in it. Think about reheated foods lacking energy when you see burgers piled up under hot lights or frozen potatoes being fried to serve our palate!  

Such food may add matter to the body but then creates a feeling of heaviness and lethargy. One oscillates between an irritating restlessness and a tendency to fall asleep. Such tamasic food may lead to a toxic accumulation of unwanted chemicals and substances that the body is unable to use as fuel – lactic acid, uric acid or overabundance of fats and sugars which manifest as general aches and pains and ultimately disease.

The art of ‘Mindful Eating’ 
  • Choose foods that compel chewing
  • Avoid or reduce intake of processed or stored foods
  • Avoid overeating
  • Consume food cooked within the same day
  • Avoid television while eating to enjoy the food
  • Avoid cold drinks with food as they suppress the digestion

Monday, September 6, 2010

24 Hours Yoga... Part II... Healthy Standing, Sitting and Driving

Standing Healthy

  • Keep the feet hip- width (ear width) apart.
  • The feet should be parallel to each other. Most of us stand with the forefoot or the front part of the foot turned out. To nullify its harmful effects and also to activate out inner legs, standing with the forefoot or the front part turned in by half to one inch, called as pigeon toed feet, feels good as it offers stability and balance.
  • Keep the knees soft, neutral and unlocked - they should not be pushing back into hyper extension. Standing with maximum weight on the heels locks the knee joints. So spread your weight evenly over the feet.
  • Pull in the abdomen in by half an inch, as if zipping a pant, but never by holding the breath.
  • Lift the breastbone and the rib cage as if a puppeteer is pulling you up on a string. This should create a good distance from your hipbone to your rib cage. As you do this, the shoulder blades will move down. Feel an imaginary thread pulling up your head towards the ceiling..
  • Slide the head slightly back if it is jutting forward (which it usually does). This will bring the head and neck in line with the spine. The chin will be parallel to the floor.

Sitting tips

  • Sit up with your back straight and your shoulders back. Your buttocks should touch the back of your chair. Distribute your body weight evenly on both hips.
  • Bend your knees at a right angle. Do not sit with your knees crossed. Feet should be resting on the floor with knees and hips bent 90 degrees
  • Try to avoid sitting in the same position for more than 30 minutes.
  • Rest your elbows and arms on your chair or desk, keeping your shoulders relaxed.
  • When standing up from the sitting position, move to the front of the seat of your chair. Stand up by straightening your legs. Avoid bending forward at your waist.


  • Adjust the seat so that the back is vertical. Allow your back to be supported by the seat back and your head to rest against the headrest with your chin level.
  • Knees should be bent to reach the pedals and they should be at the same height or higher than your hips.
  • If the back hurts after driving, move the seat close to the steering wheel to support the curve of your back. The seat should be close enough to allow your knees to bend and your feet to reach the pedals.
  • Sit on a thin cushion – as this hip lift will relax the tight muscles there and ease the pressure on the back.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Camphor- The effective & healthy mosquito repellent.

Malaria and Dengue are on a steep rise. We all must be using liquid or the old blue tablet type of mosquito repellents sold under various names. Despite their use, it is common to see mosquitoes hovering around with the best of repellents in action. Secondly, we cannot use these mosquito repellents whole day – be they be of any brand. Thirdly, many people land up with allergies due to them.

In the past, man would light diyas and burn camphor on a regular basis as a part of daily puja. These helped to purify the air and keep harmful bacteria, viruses and mosquitoes away! We can definitely have a better and healthy environment with the use of camphor.

Camphor or Kapur is a waxy, white or transparent substance extracted from the wood of the Camphor Laurel tree found in Asia. Camphor has many known medicinal uses-
It relieves nasal congestion and cough when rubbed on the chest as an oil. Camphor is used as an ingredient in throat lozenges and cough syrups and in Vicks. Camphor is also used in some anti-itch ointments, creams and cooling gels because it is can be absorbed through skin and is effective at treating pain locally. It has an analgesic effect which makes it a favorite oil to be used in pain relieving massage blends for sore muscles and arthritic pain. Camphor is known to improve the quality of air making it a better for our lungs and heart.

Many people are not aware of the Mosquito repellent power of Camphor - a simple solution without side effects and very cost effective. CAMPHOR IS A NATURAL MOSQUITO REPELLENT With effect round the clock! You do not need to burn it for that. There are three easier ways to do it -

  1. Put 2 tablets of commercially available camphor on any warm surface- the device shown in the picture serves the purpose well. Plug it for an hour and see the results! You can do it twice a day- morning and in the night as well!
  2. Place 2 tablets of camphor on different corners of the room or at places where mosquitoes seem to love to stay! Leave them there and they will evaporate in a day or so keeping the air purer and mosquito free.
  3. Take a wide opened cup or plate with water. Drop 2 tablets of Camphor into the water. Keep the cup with water and camphor in your sleeping room. The quantity of water and camphor may differ from room size. Water evaporate at normal temperature. Camphor slowly started dissolving in water. The water evaporates with Camphor smell. Adding little bit hot water gives instant action. 
You will be amazed at the results! Do experience it and help spread these healthy tips!

Monday, June 28, 2010

24 hours Yoga

Most of us have experienced an episode of back pain or neck and upper back discomfort some or the other time in life. Our back works constantly to keep us erect under an array of stresses and strains. We can get a back pain sitting long hours in the office to by just bending down to pick up a baby. The pain can be due to extreme muscle tightness or spasm, wear and tear of the spine, joints and the disc, due to popping out of the disc or due to irritation of the nearby nerves. Sometimes even a trivial sneeze can precipitate low back ache.
When the subtle curves of the spine get straightened, reversed or exaggerated with poor posture, imbalance in the strength of complementary muscle groups and inefficient movement habits, many neck and back problems are created.
We all want a resilient, pain-free, smart and an injury resistant back, but unknowingly, we tend to misuse this gift of our body! Our head wants to lead not just functionally but position-wise too! It projects in front as if it wants to win a race with the entire body. Then the body also decides to lean forward as if catching up with the head. We slouch, we collapse into our chairs and hunch over our tables. More of us are looking rounded, crooked and out-of-line! It is so common to see young professionals with rounded shoulders, protruding heads, upper back humps, protruding belly and waddling feet.
Not only do we look like wounded soldiers but we are also in pain! Despite sitting on ‘ergonomic chairs’ the pain doesn’t leave! Not just the office chair, we misuse our bodies even while standing, walking, lifting, driving and while performing various activities in a variety of postures. We keep using it to our comfort and advantage till it starts groaning with pain.
Exercise of any type cannot always help in alleviating pain. For many who exercise regularly, the back still continues to hurt, the neck and upper back feel sore by the end of the day while the knees seem to get wobbly. Unless we do something to correct our natural alignment, the problems will continue. Lack of awareness about our posture in daily activities will wash out the effects of proper exercising too!
Posture does involve appearance but posture is more connected with functions – what we should and should not be doing physically. The design of our body is not a flaw. Our spine, shoulders, head, knees and feet are not randomly placed in the body. They are well-thought of mechanisms, very intricate and sophisticated to keep the body functioning – standing erect against gravity, performing all day to day activities with minimal stress and strain.
Posture is not only an erect spine and back. Posture involves correct alignment and proper functioning in every external part of the body including the feet, the knees, the hips, the shoulders, the chest and rib cage, the shoulder blades, the neck and the head. Mere wrong placement of the feet can be the cause of knee and back pain.
In proper posture, the bones are properly aligned with the help of muscles and the force of gravity is evenly distributed through the body with the muscles working optimally and effortlessly – length and strength wise –thus supporting the skeleton efficiently.
The way beams and pillars have to be aligned to give a strong frame to a building, our bones and joints too have to be properly lined up for proper functioning with no wear and tear and minimal use of energy. Lack of alignment would produce undue tension on joints and muscles and we will have to spend more energy to stay upright. This is with the help of muscles working in the state of proper balance. Muscular imbalances are the cause of mal-alignment and postural imbalances.
We overuse certain muscles which eventually become short and tight or we underuse some muscles which loose function, tone and strength. If the muscles on one side are stronger than the counterpart, the joint will get slightly tilted or rotated. Just a small degree of misalignment is enough to drastically alter the tension inside the joint. This will then lead to wear and tear, a destruction of the structure of the joint and its contents – and we get labeled with an array of radiological diagnoses which begin with postural mal-alignments.
Our postural mistakes
Sitting - We have become professional sitters and we literally punish our backs with prolonged chair-sitting. We usually sit with the lower back bowed or rounded back behind us. This puts lot of pressure on the front part of the discs, making the disc more prone to get prolapsed in the front. People with existing disc problems feel more pain when sitting with a convex lower back. Even sitting straight on a chair for long is not healthy, as this disengages or does not let the body use the core postural muscles. The superficial back muscles then have to work hard to keep us erect. This puts enormous strain on the bones and the discs like a compressive load on them. There is a 40% increase on the pressure on the discs when we sit as compared to standing. Even when we are relaxing say watching the TV or reading the newspaper, we are suffocating our discs.
Standing - Standing with knees locked back, abdomen protruding forward, increases the curvature of the lower back – increased lordosis or a sway back. The lordosis further weakens not only the muscles of the abdomen, but also the muscles of the legs, back and the hips.
Muscular imbalances tilt our pelvis forward. Pelvis is the bony basin that forms the lower part of the trunk and the zone where the lower limbs begin. To understand the proper positioning of this basin, visualize it being filled with water, level, so that the water cannot slip in front or at the back. It is common to see pelvis tipped too far forward with an overarched lower back and then the belly too comes beyond the line of the belt. The abdominal muscles are weak in such people and this leads to a forward pull on the abdominal organs and the lower back as well.
Driving - Sitting while driving is different from sitting on the office chair as the body has to face many varying positions, vibrations and impacts of accelerations and decelerations. The feet are actively being used and they cannot be used to support and stabilize the lower body as normally happens when they are placed on the floor during normal sitting in a chair. The design of the car seat itself, can increase the chance of back problems for some people. If the posture is wrong, car driving itself can be the cause of back ache.
Sleeping - We all rest in various sleeping posture for 5-8 hrs everyday! That means 25 – 33% of the day we give to sleeping to charge our batteries! Considering this, we are spending one third of our life time sleeping and the position we sleep can make a big difference in our posture and health.
Certain sleeping postures do increase the tendency to a sway back while others give rise to neck pain. We usually blame the mattress or the pillow for the pain and stiffness but it usually is the wrong positions in which we sleep that give rise to the pain.
Sleeping on the belly can never be symmetrical as the head has to turn to one side or the other and this pressurizes the neck. Even the low back can get extremely curved as the lower back sags into the mattress.
Sleeping on the back places less pressure than sleeping on the stomach. As the weight gets evenly distributed across the widest surface of the body, this minimizes pressure points and ensures proper alignment of the internal organs. Adding a medium firm pillow under your knees and lower legs for a relaxed back will stretch the back, reduce the lordosis and the pressure from the spine and the discs. A thin pillow to keep the neck will permits a neutral position – neck in level with the spine.

Sleeping on the side with the top leg folded more than the lower one twists the body as if the top hip is trying to race with the lower one! At some stage, the back starts feeling stiff on awakening in the morning. Placing a pillow between the thighs can prevent this twist thus keeping the back more neutral in the side sleeping position.

Even the head, neck and spine alignment can suffer with pillow body mis-match as sleeping on the side, creates a significant gap between the neck and the mattress due to the width of the shoulders.
Thus the pillow used should be a wide one, spanning from the ears to the shoulders.
Is it possible to undo the effects of wrong posture on the body? Yes, most of the times it is possible. The answer lies in -
Aligning all the joints of the body so that we can do away with the slump, stand erect, feel and look taller and overcome our posture associated aches and pains. This is done individually after a methodical posture assessment following which corrective measures as to how one needs to stand, pick up objects, walk, get up from a chair, climb up and down the stairs, etc are shared.
Proper focused exercises that-
· Increases the flexibility of the back
· Strengthen the postural muscles
· Stretch the overused and shortened muscles of the neck and back
· Strengthen the underused and weak muscles of the abdomen
In the process of improving the posture, one can get rid of the array of aches and pains and also look better! Whatever the age, postural alignment will definitely improve the appearance and people will start noticing the difference in the way we look and move. It is just matter of becoming aware! Let us give high priority to postural alignment to stay functionally active and preventing disability.