Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Every woman in this world wishes to remain young and beautiful for ever. Even men dont like to see the youthful glow fading away with time. Yoga is a process of not only keeping the body healthy but also of enhancing one's charm.

Outer beauty attracts but what actually complements it is inner beauty. The goal of yoga is not just physical beauty, but inner happiness that shines through the eyes, expressions, and attitude towards others which makes one truly attractive. This inner beauty is something that the years can't take away.

Yoga gives flexibility to the body and the mind too when practiced with joy, proper breathing and an attitude of humility and faith. Basically all asanas have a positive effect as they correct the energy dynamics of the body and mind, giving a natural glow to the eyes and the face of the practitioner.

Some simple practices of Yoga which have a specific effect to tone up the facial muscles and improve the blood supply are –

Adhomukha Shvanasana (Downward facing dog) or Parvatasana – the body adopts an inverted V position, with the head lower than the heart. Gravity is pulling the facial muscles down creating puffy and saggy eyes and a dropping angle of the mouth. In this posture, these effects of gravity get nullified with relaxed blood supply to the face and head.

Simha Mudrasana - Inhale deeply & exhale forcefully with a widely open mouth and the tongue coming out. Roll the eyeballs up. Close the mouth & as you breathe in through the nose, close your eyes and relax. This practice could be simply called as a ‘Facelift’.

Khechari Mudra – Keep the head in line with the spine by sliding it behind. Press your tongue gently into the roof of your mouth. Now bring your chin down toward your neck while still holding the tongue against the roof of your mouth. This tones the chin and neck.

Kapaalbhati – As the name implies – A practice that brings a glow to the forehead / face. Kapaalbhati is a cleansing practice where with active abdominal exhalations, one throws out the toxins from the lungs, blood and tissues of the body. It is a natural facial with skin clearing effects. Acne and pimles cannot stay long on the face of a Kapaalbhaati practitioner!

Abdominal breathing – All pranayamic practices follow the dictum of complete and longer exhalations over inhalations – Be it anuloma viloma pranayam or ujjayi breathing. When done with ease and gentle depth without they give energy glow to the face. Mind you, overdoing to produce strain does not help.

Chanting – Bhramari and OM – Chanting produces soothing and massaging vibrations that penetrate the cells of the face and head. The deep healthy benefits cannot be achieved with the best of cosmetics and skin treatments.

Last but not the least – SMILE FREQUENTLY – That is the best Yoga of our mind with the body!