Wednesday, January 5, 2011


As another new year begins, is there truly going to be some newness? Let's do something today, that can bring a more fresh and joyful energy to our life.

In our consciousness we have a store cupboard where we accumulate everything that we have lived through - files of childhood, experiences, relationships...when we were hurt, broken or wounded. We seem to still carry it with us. The longer we carry, the more it hurts. Why do we find it so hard to let go?

Some of our old belief systems stop us from forgiving -

- they are responsible for my pain

- my hurt is justified

- they do not deserve to be forgiven

The truth is also always simple, “It’s not them, IT'S ME”. Always.

Regardless of the nature of the event or the sharpness of the words intended to insult, our response is always our own creation. And if we feel upset, rejected or sad in any way it is always our own creation. Replaying the moment again and again, we are recreating the emotions of the past, making them our present and thereby determining our future.

PAST IS PASSED. So as we begin a New Year, let's begin with a New way of Thinking. LET GO. Enough of hurting ourselves. It's not as difficult as we think it is. Don't think about it. Just do it. IT'S ONLY A THOUGHT AWAY.

When we forgive someone, we are actually forgiving OURSELVES. We release all the negative thoughts, emotions and energies that we are so desperately holding onto in our anger.


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