Continuing with the theme of three for Mirror’s third year anniversary, yoga therapist Dr Renu Mahtani shows us how the trinity in yoga benefits your body, your health and your mind
If one wants to attain the excellent troika of a great mind, a fit body and ideal health,Yoga is your answer. Three is a powerful number in yoga and is represented by the symbol Aum. Also, Yoga philosophy says that there are three bodies, or tri-sharira, that make up each being: the physical, the astral and the causal body, one more refined than the previous. “Yoga” means to unite — that practicing yoga ushers harmony to the tri-sharira. Again, Yoga, which means a ‘union’ in the literal sense, is indeed an amalgamation of three streams: science, philosophy and art. And its current popularity lies in this very fact.
The primordial vibration, Om, is so basic to the existence of all beings, living and non living. Om is made of three syllables and sounds — A, U and M. A is the first letter of the Sanskrit and the English alphabets and is a sound that comes from the belly. A is formed in the open throat and mouth. U is a sound formed in the middle of the mouth that is not fully open. With the third sound M , the last consonant of the Sanskrit alphabets, the mouth closes. Getting from A to M through U, represents everything that can be expressed in letters and words. A stands for the process of creation, U symbolises the continuation of creation and M denotes the end and dissolution.
The three aspects of our personality on which Yoga works are body, breath and mind. All these aspects are impacted by yogic practices. It’s a misconception that Yoga is all about mere physical exercise and twisting the body into various postures. In fact, at all levels, Yoga is a marvellous blending of the personality aspects. The benefits of Yoga percolate into an entire lifestyle. Again, the three doshas — vata, pitta and kapha get balanced with Yoga.
Three major nadis or energy channels get purified with Yoga. The Ida, Pingala and Sushumna then permit a free flow of pranic energy. The body gets advantages like improved flexibility, tone and strength in muscles. All this improves balance, reduces pain and builds endurance and stamina.
Rechaka, Puraka and Kumbhaka get full gratification with the conscious deep breathing practices of Pranayama. Most people breathe shallow in their chests. This gives insufficient oxygen and triggers the stress response, which contributes to feelings of anxiety. Pranayamic breathing nullifies the effects of stress on the body and mind.
Yoga also understands joy and sorrow keeping the three qualities of mind in consideration — tamas, rajas and sattva — called as the three gunas. Ta m a s
describes the state of heaviness and slowness in feeling and decisions. Over-excitement and restlessness of a racy mind is called as rajas. Both tamas and rajas produce stress and sorrow. The third quality of mind describes the absence of the two others where there is neither lethargy nor raciness — but only clarity! This is called as sattva and from this quality of mind alone can we get peace and joy!
Yoga is different from other forms of exercise because of this superb union of the breath, body and mind in all its practices. Each pose is unique requiring the practitioner to be aware and the mind remains with the body. Compare this to a repetitive exercise where the mind is thinking of the appointments and the worries of the day while the body pulls itself through the workout. Focused breathing helps in developing an internal poise that accompanies the poses even as it helps in relaxation.
Yoga thus clears the mind of unwanted chatter and helps us develop inner concentration, cutting off the external environment and its distractions. The result? A wonderful control over situations, increased focus on work, better productivity and no anxiety and stress!
Three major energy points come to unite in alignment — head, heart and hara. The hara centre behind the navel, is not only the centre of physical gravity but is the centre of life and plays most important part in the harmony of body, mind and soul. Doesn’t our ‘gut feeling’ arise from there? We store our fears and anxieties which get released with deep abdominal breathing. What a fascinating trinity!
The union of the body breath and mind can be so beautifully experienced while practising simple breath awareness or Prana Dharana. You can easily try this:
» Sit straight with eyes closed.
» Notice how shallow we breathe. (Our normal breaths hardly reach the chest!)
» Align the head, heart and hara (navel point) in one line.
» Lengthen the waist to bring it in line too.
Your breaths will naturally become deep and smooth ......
If one wants to attain the excellent troika of a great mind, a fit body and ideal health,Yoga is your answer. Three is a powerful number in yoga and is represented by the symbol Aum. Also, Yoga philosophy says that there are three bodies, or tri-sharira, that make up each being: the physical, the astral and the causal body, one more refined than the previous. “Yoga” means to unite — that practicing yoga ushers harmony to the tri-sharira. Again, Yoga, which means a ‘union’ in the literal sense, is indeed an amalgamation of three streams: science, philosophy and art. And its current popularity lies in this very fact.
The primordial vibration, Om, is so basic to the existence of all beings, living and non living. Om is made of three syllables and sounds — A, U and M. A is the first letter of the Sanskrit and the English alphabets and is a sound that comes from the belly. A is formed in the open throat and mouth. U is a sound formed in the middle of the mouth that is not fully open. With the third sound M , the last consonant of the Sanskrit alphabets, the mouth closes. Getting from A to M through U, represents everything that can be expressed in letters and words. A stands for the process of creation, U symbolises the continuation of creation and M denotes the end and dissolution.
The three aspects of our personality on which Yoga works are body, breath and mind. All these aspects are impacted by yogic practices. It’s a misconception that Yoga is all about mere physical exercise and twisting the body into various postures. In fact, at all levels, Yoga is a marvellous blending of the personality aspects. The benefits of Yoga percolate into an entire lifestyle. Again, the three doshas — vata, pitta and kapha get balanced with Yoga.
Three major nadis or energy channels get purified with Yoga. The Ida, Pingala and Sushumna then permit a free flow of pranic energy. The body gets advantages like improved flexibility, tone and strength in muscles. All this improves balance, reduces pain and builds endurance and stamina.
Rechaka, Puraka and Kumbhaka get full gratification with the conscious deep breathing practices of Pranayama. Most people breathe shallow in their chests. This gives insufficient oxygen and triggers the stress response, which contributes to feelings of anxiety. Pranayamic breathing nullifies the effects of stress on the body and mind.
Yoga also understands joy and sorrow keeping the three qualities of mind in consideration — tamas, rajas and sattva — called as the three gunas. Ta m a s
describes the state of heaviness and slowness in feeling and decisions. Over-excitement and restlessness of a racy mind is called as rajas. Both tamas and rajas produce stress and sorrow. The third quality of mind describes the absence of the two others where there is neither lethargy nor raciness — but only clarity! This is called as sattva and from this quality of mind alone can we get peace and joy!
Yoga is different from other forms of exercise because of this superb union of the breath, body and mind in all its practices. Each pose is unique requiring the practitioner to be aware and the mind remains with the body. Compare this to a repetitive exercise where the mind is thinking of the appointments and the worries of the day while the body pulls itself through the workout. Focused breathing helps in developing an internal poise that accompanies the poses even as it helps in relaxation.
Yoga thus clears the mind of unwanted chatter and helps us develop inner concentration, cutting off the external environment and its distractions. The result? A wonderful control over situations, increased focus on work, better productivity and no anxiety and stress!
Three major energy points come to unite in alignment — head, heart and hara. The hara centre behind the navel, is not only the centre of physical gravity but is the centre of life and plays most important part in the harmony of body, mind and soul. Doesn’t our ‘gut feeling’ arise from there? We store our fears and anxieties which get released with deep abdominal breathing. What a fascinating trinity!
The union of the body breath and mind can be so beautifully experienced while practising simple breath awareness or Prana Dharana. You can easily try this:
» Sit straight with eyes closed.
» Notice how shallow we breathe. (Our normal breaths hardly reach the chest!)
» Align the head, heart and hara (navel point) in one line.
» Lengthen the waist to bring it in line too.
Your breaths will naturally become deep and smooth ......
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